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Pissed. Sad. Happy. Thursday 21 July 2011
P.E .
Note to self : Don't ever try to get the frisbee if it's coming to your face.
Kenna whacked by frisbee on the face - once . But that's enough .
ARGH , The Frisbee hit my spects and then hit the bottom of my left eye. Then my spects hit the top of my left eye . Typing about it makes my eye painful . I mean, it's really hurting .
Nice one, nao my spects have a scratch , if my mum saw , -BRILLIANT-
Great . Just great.
Did so many GUYS standard pumping until nao hands still shaking :/
I am certainly regreting -,-

Watched Harry Potter , Oh Em Gee . So different from the book like totally .
I wasnt happy with a few parts -
1. Where is my lovely argument with the death eaters of Aberforth ?
2. Isn't there supposed to be a super nice war? And not just... so ... argh .. -,-
3. Hey, Voldermort doesnt have this much people on his army.
4. Voldermort and Harry's lovely Death-Fight .
5. The Elder's Wand ! Where is Harry using it to repair his own wand like, "Reparo,"
6. Where's my James running to Harry shouting about Teddy kissing Victorie ?

ARGH . Pissed, but happy. In a way, it's like the end-end. No more Harry Potter. I'm sad .
Contradicting me.

P.S// Pizzas and Ice-cream on the house tomorrow by Mr Richmond Su (More like Mr Richman Su)