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My Fantastic idea for a book ! Wednesday 5 October 2011
You know, i've been thinking of writing a story. Like a real story , not essays. Ughh, not that my essays rocked hell :/
If i am going to write a story for real, it is going to be in First person perspective, i find those perspective nicer to READ , not write .
And believe me, my stories ARE NOT GOING TO BE REAL OR ROMANCE, it's action ;D

It'll most probably be magic . Oh my, how wonderful.
But then again, I'm living in Singapore, magic in Singapore? Seems kind of impossible.
And if it is going to be in America or UK, opps, researching is going to a lot lot.
Okay, that plan is kind of nice isnt it?
I'm just pretty sure that it would NOT turn out as romance no matter if my best type of writing style is romance.
I know that are millions of people in the world who prefers to read fantasy than to romance !!

Hmm , Norse mythology. Okay, NO. The thought is too much -,-
Why why why. I mean, okay example :

Baldr (prounced Bal-der)

by Micha F. Lindemans

The god of light, joy, purity, beauty, innocence, and reconciliation. Son of Odin and Frigg, he was loved by both gods and men and was considered to be the best of the gods. He had a good character, was friendly, wise and eloquent, although he had little power. His wife was Nanna daughter of Nep, and their son was Forseti, the god of justice. Balder's hall was Breidablik ("broad splendor"). Most of the stories about Balder concern his death. He had been dreaming about his death, so Frigg extracted an oath from every creature, object and force in nature (snakes, metals, diseases, poisons, fire, etc.) that they would never harm Balder. All agreed that none of their kind would ever hurt or assist in hurting Balder. Thinking him invincible, the gods enjoyed themselves thereafter by using Balder as a target for knife-throwing and archery.
The malicious trickster, Loki, was jealous of Balder. He changed his appearance and asked Frigg if there was absolutely nothing that could harm the god of light. Frigg, suspecting nothing, answered that there was just one thing: a small tree in the west that was called mistletoe. She had thought it was too small to ask for an oath. Loki immediately left for the west and returned with the mistletoe. He tricked Balder's blind twin brother Hod into throwing a mistletoe fig (dart) at Balder. Not knowing what he did, Hod threw the fig, guided by Loki's aim. Pierced through the heart, Balder fell dead.
While the gods were lamenting Balder's death, Odin sent his other son Hermod to Hel, the goddess of death, to plead for Balder's return. Hel agreed to send Balder back to the land of the living on one condition: everything in the world, dead or alive, must weep for him. And everything wept, except for Loki, who had disguised himself as the witch Thokk. And so Balder had to remain in the underworld.
The others took the dead god, dressed him in crimson cloth, and placed him on a funeral pyre aboard his ship Ringhorn, which passed for the largest in the world. Beside him they lay the body of his wife Nanna, who had died of a broken heart. Balder's horse and his treasures were also placed on the ship. The pyre was set on fire and the ship was sent to sea by the giantess Hyrrokin.
Loki did not escape punishment for his crime and Hod was put to death by Vali, son of Odin and Rind. Vali had been born for just that purpose. After the final conflict (Ragnarok), when a new world arises from its ashes, both Balder and Hod will be reborn.
In some versions it was his mother who had these disturbing dreams about his death.

Old Norse: Baldr
That's like crap ? ;D Ahahaha , i mean the names are exceptionally annoying, while ,  their reign practically ended when the Ragnarok destoryed almost everybody. With Heimdall killing Loki (Loki killing Heimdall) , Fenrir the Big Bad Wolf son of Loki swallowed Odin whole and killed by some random person. The bloody sea serpent whatever the name , forgotten , too long , was killed by Thor and Thor died after walking nine steps ( I mean WTH?!) And blah blah blah ...

Okay , i would definitely change the story . It will turn into ...
The Ragnarok ended eons ago. And blah blah blah...
Their genes are in almost every human and the story of the lovely guy ...
This guy have the genes of Loki and Ægir. (Hey , i like Loki! To me, he is the mischief god and also .. the cool god, i mean who doesnt cause mischief ?! It's not fun without him.)
To me, Loki is like Poseidon, dont cha feel? And Odin is like Zeus. There's not really a Hades though, unless you count in Bandr or Loki's daughter Hel (Yup, Baldr's the guy above)
Wait, Loki is the bad guy and Odin and Baldr are the good guys. Oh shucks, nevermind, Baldr is bent on revenge for Loki. Muaha.

So back to story, the humans (only CHILDREN) will have their cells activated and it will start dividing, causing them to see things (err, crap no monsters in the norse mythology...) and have powers. (CRAP. wait, they do have powers ;) ) They will be guided by what ? No idea, still in process . To a ... camp? (That'll be copying RR and Percy Jackson's books! - That'll be in the next post . ) To a ... school? ( I like a camp more. ) Okay, a Headquaters thing. ;D yay. Then they will be guided under Masters. Like those who perfectly can perfect their powers! They will fight against... err the descendants of  Fenrir, Jorgamund and so on . The crazy creatures . Opps. Kinda funny thing now. Monsters from the Greek Mythology? Errr, No. I'll think of something after researches...

The people go on missions ? Quests ?
A-ha! Regular Missions for different descendants and sometimes, special Quests.
The fight against monsters and must get the whatsoever , ya.

The bad guy would be Baldr who wanted revenge on Loki. and thus, causing so many things to happen. Yup-yup. And the Gods are still alive, reborn or survived after the Ragnarok.
The story will go after the line where Baldr starts remembering what Loki did to him after being reborn and being a god A SECOND TIME. But this time, it officially like a God. All the Gods became Gods after reborn after Ragnarok.

Odin would be in charge on the Sky. Ruler of Asgard.
Thor- thunder, lightning, storms
Loki- Shape shifters. Water
Ægir- Sea, oceans
Baldr- Underworld (Assistant: Hel)
Bragi- wisdom, and most of all for fluency of speech and skill with words
Foresti- god of justice and reconciliation
Dellingr- Sun
Fenyr- farming
Heimdallr- Guards the Bifrost which leads to Heaven 
Hermóðr( Hermod )- War god
Höðr( Hod )- War spirits 
Meili- Beauty and love
Mímir- The Rememberer

Móði (anglicized Módi or Mothi) and Magni- [Angry and Strong] Fear
Njörðr- Wealth
Óðr- Terror
Týr- god of single combat, victory and heroic glory
Víðarr- god of revenge
Vili and Vé- disappeared but supposedly rulers of Asgard with Odin

Okay till later ;)