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Walk-a-thon Sunday 23 October 2011
LOL, hello people. LONG TIME I NO POST LE ;>
Walked like 6.2km yesterday. Tiring day -,-
We started with this stupid joke 'ok,can .'
So everything we ask, or state, Kaiming will reply with 'ok, can.' 
and with that monotonous tone. FUNNEH.
Yenhui copied him and pulled off a successful 'ok,can .' at YiJun. And he puked water and splashed onto me and JiaMin .. 
Then we had the bag strap strip game.
We started stripping each other's bag. I tried on Guyan and was unsuccessful cause he was hugging onto his bag.
The strap came off his shoulder and he looked at me like "hah. I'm hugging my bag!"
Gosh, that was real embarrassing.

(Ethan's hairstyle changed. HE IS SO CUTE~)

We started the walk from HQ and ended at HQ. We walked one round around Marina Bay ;)
Boring though. But with JM,YH,KM,GY and YJ. It became kind of fun and real funny.
We kept laughing along the way.
Yijun created a new idiom. He ought to write a book soon.

We "cut" another school's "queue" and they started scolding us "immature", "lame" and yeah, the usual "f***" and stuff like that. Oh, by the way, they were walking so god damn slow.
Well, YJ and KM started scolding them back and GY was saying reluctant "PAISEH"s.
Why were they trying to create feuds between schools?
That was so unnecessary. I was deciding if we (JM,YH and I) should swap our walking positions with them and actually apologise to the girls. (Although i have urge to join in the argument)

Everything ended smoothly(?) and we got a "door gift" - a SJ towel and keychain.
Went opposite and wanted to eat Astons. We went into the Korena supermart and got banana milk instead :)
The banana milk was awesome.
Pretty much.
I wanted to try cause of Taemin. He love that brand. Now i know why.

Also found a pretty cute small coke bottle that costs 1.50$$. Cute but not worth it.

And we ate Astons. The stupid schools came into Astons too and was really noisy.
We had the nice lunch and that's all. :P

 JM and I was quarreling about the mirror protector screen. As seen above. JM! I shall wiki it here !
And opps ! I was wrong about the temperature thing. But i do remember reading about the temperature thing somewhere. Was it in some book?


One-way glass (4) used in a teleprompter
A two-way mirror is typically used as an apparently normal mirror in a brightly lit room, with a much darker room on the other side. People on the brightly lit side see their own reflection—it looks like a normal mirror. People on the dark side see through it—it looks like a transparent window. The light from the bright room reflected from the mirror back into the room itself is much greater than the light transmitted from the dark room, overwhelming the small amount of light transmitted from the dark to the bright room; conversely, the light reflected back into the dark side is overwhelmed by the light transmitted from the bright side. This allows a viewer in the dark side to observe the bright room covertly.
When such mirrors are used for one-way observation, the viewing room is kept dark by a darkened curtain or a double door vestibule. These observation rooms have been used in:
  • Interrogation rooms
  • Execution rooms
  • Experimental research
  • Security observation decks in public areas
  • Market research
  • Reality television, as in the series, Big Brother, which makes extensive use of two-way mirrors throughout its set to allow cameramen in special black hallways to use movable cameras to film contestants without being seen.

PS: was using a new app. An app that uses the voice and auto types the sms ;D

Found this cute tank built by my sis. Pretty cool . :D

Edit 24October2011 10.31P.M :