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Bel's Request Wednesday 23 November 2011
Its quite early to blog today. Hmm, I just read Bel's blog and it's like -.-
I think i fell in the category of saying "ohkay", "cheerup" and "so?"
I can't really cheer people up when they are emo-ing and i know sometimes, they really want to be alone.
So i usually heck care. And there are a lot of people around the emo person and you can see whether the emo person wants to be cared or not. It's pretty obvious. If the person just gave a super fake smile to those people, it just meant the person wants to be alone. If the person, starts to pour up all her/his problems, then the person needs others to lend a listening ear.

Enough of emo-ing. Been requested to write two chapters of the story here. I shall combine that two chapters into one chapter. Since, one chapter is supposed to be for one blog post not really one chapter by itself. Okay, START.


James woke up with a start. He stared around the dark room and wiped off his own sweat. That nightmare again... He heard the door creak open and stepped off the bed. 


He switched on the lights and looked around his own room. It was messy room with items strewn all over. His study table had no more than three books yet it looked as if the table had not been cleaned for a long time. The mirror beside the cabinet had his parents' pictures stuck onto it. James had once tried to remove them but it was stuck on with super glue by his younger self. On the coffee table beside his single bed, was a photo of him and his sister, Jess. That was a photo from two year ago where they were skiing.

James walked out of his room and whispered again, "Jess?"

No answer.

He knocked on his sister's room and opened it. He saw the sight of the room and ran towards the front door. One muddy footstep on his door mat. He glanced at the streets and saw a muddy grass patch. He ran over after locking the front door. He cannot risked his house being burgled after he went out. On the muddy patch of grass was his sister's name card. He picked it up and looked around. His sister was kidnapped. There was nothing he could do here. He had no lead except for that muddy footprint and this name card. He doubled back to his house and unlocked the front door. James was careful on not stepping onto the muddy footprint and he dialed for the police.

The forensic investigators had finished sweeping the house for clues and were leaving now. James looked at them leave and slumped back into the sofa. Jess...

James jumped at the sound of the phone. He patted his own chest then picked up the phone, "Hello?" 

"Is this James Kridle?" 

James stopped for awhile. Is this the kidnappers? "Yes, may I help you?"

"We are from Golden Travelers, your sister's travel agency."

James listened. "I am Mr Resh. I am your sister's boss. Is it possible for you to come over tomorrow? I'll send a car to pick you up. Is that okay?"

James hated being restrained and controlled. "What if I said no? I don't want to go."

"Don't you want to know what happened to your sister?"

James was silent and listened to the this other man's breathing through the phone. "What time?"

"I'll send the car at around afternoon."

"No, i'll be there at 3p.m, taking the tube."

And James hung the phone up. If they were the kidnappers, they are going to get it from him when he arrived. If he is really his sister's boss, he touched the name card, he is going to hear what he has to say. Either way, he is not going to miss school and being played by their hands.

Somewhere near King's Road, in the tall building called Golden Travelers, the man named Mr Resh smiled in the dark. "He took the bait, Mrs Raine."

"Do you think he will come? He's fourteen and.."

"He will come. He WILL come."

One chapter down ;D Now plot is coming in, Bel :)

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