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helpless Sunday 6 November 2011
Do you ever have a "sister" that is kind of bitchy?
She scolds you for every small stupid thing that would spoil her image.
and you can't do it to her
She speaks vulgar whenever you do something to annoy her
and you can't do it to her
She thinks she is always right
and you are always wrong
She thinks that she is the best
and you are always second to her
She wants you to do things for her
and you can't ask her to
She boasts about herself
and you can't be just a bit tad proud of your own abilities
She wants you to listen to her feelings
and she won't listen to yours at all

to be frank, she is retarded.
she is never good.
she always think she's the best yet no.
she boasts about her own abilities and don't look at her outstanding weakness.

and yet, you can't hate her. She's good at times. And you have to respect her for such retarded things she is. You have to tolerate her idiocity .