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Two days Sunday 29 January 2012
Shall post chapter twelve first before explaining my lovely TWO DAYS :)

Chapter Twelve




The three was fighting over a ticket to get into the hotel. That was the first thing James saw. Not just that, there were hundreds, no, thousands doing the same thing in front of the front door. That was disappointing, James thought, I thought Singapore wouldnt be like this...

Apple, as though read his mind, said, "Hey kiddo, Singapore is famous for these things, alright?" James shook his head, "Let's get out of here." Apple nodded.

"Why are you named Apple?" James asked.

Apple dropped her fry. They were eating in Macdonalds near Raffles Place. Apple arched an eyebrow and James replied hastily, "Just wondering."

"Just wondering. And yet there's always a little curiosity behind each 'just wondering'." Apple said softly.

"Hmm?" James glanced at Apple while stuffing the burger into his mouth. Apple tittered and replied, "'Cause I had an older brother - blood related, mind you- and my mum named him Pear because that was the first word he learnt after mum and dad." James guffawed, "Then the first word you learned was Apple?" Apple arched an eyebrow and replied and placed a small fry into her mouth," No. She thought it would be fun to name me Apple."

James went into silent fits of laughter. "Alright," He grinned at her. Apple rolled her eyes and asked with a smirk, "How about you, Jamesy? Why did your parents named you with such a common name?" James placed his burger down and looked at Apple with a sad look. Apple bit her lips and wondered if she asked a wrong question. "It's okay if you dont want to tell me..." She added. James shook his head and picked up the burger again, "It's alright. They passed away, I don't know. According to my..." James stopped and choked back a sob, "sister, she told me that my dad always fancied having a normal son with a common name and we will live a humble life."

Apple did not say anything and glanced at James who was busy stuffing food into his mouth. "Are you that hungry?" James nodded his head. Apple smiled, "Me too."

And they gobbled their food down their throats hungrily.


"Hey, when are you going to leave?" Apple asked James. James cocked an eyebrow and replied with a smirk," Why? Going to miss me?" Apple smiled, "Of course not! After you leave, people will look at me as if I'm normal again!" James choked on his salivia, "Say What?" Apple chuckled softly.

James glanced up the majestic building. It was the nano-carbon hotel. They decided that there would be less crowd if they visit it again at night. Midnight, to be exact. James was awed by the delicate cravings on the hotel sides. He wondered if the PSI has wronged this Benjamin man. Apple was equally awed by the building and was standing open mouthed beside James. James was the first to recover.

"Come on, let's go in." Apple looked as if she got slapped, "What? Go-go-go in? What? I mean, this place is security packed! It has top security!" James ignored her comment and was already striding towards to back door. Apple stood there and folded her arms, "I'm not going in!" James continued walking towards the back door. Apple pouted and ran over,"Hey! Wait up!"


This part of the story (up) is nice :) shows how skilled James really is !!

: went for training early early. Scoldings == went home early to bai nian ...

Shall posts photos later

JM finally sent us the proposal.
Got some mistakes also ==
Finished syllabus. Sent too.
Then got some matters me and GY miscom then Internet Pms us...
Thank god sent too. I think they didn't expect us to send so early .. OMG oh well ~~

Rewatching DGM these few days. I'm free WOW.
Will be busy tomorrow de .. SIAN MAX

Finished home work on saturday !!


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