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POP Friday 10 February 2012

James placed one foot on the fence and glanced behind. He smirked slightly when he saw Apple running over. James jumped back down and patte dust off his jeans, "so my little coward has decided to join me in my great plan?" Apple blushed, "What? I was trying to be..." James cocked an eyebrow. "Alright! I was scared! This place has top security after all! And why'd you so interested in the building?" It was James' turn to be lost for words. "Hey, curiosity is part of me.It takes up 90% of my normal activities." And that ended the conversation.

James climbed up the fence steadily. He placed one foot over the top of the fence and steadied himself. He glanced at Apple and reached a hand out to her. Apple started to whine but she took the hand all the same. With a huff, James pulled Apple over and she sat on the top of the fence beside James, one leg on each side of the fence.

"Jump down, then break fall." James whispered. Apple nodded. Apple stood up slowly and jumped. When she landed on the ground, she rolled over the back to break her fall. She stood up unsteadily and did a thumbs up to James. James jumped and did the same thing Apple had done except more elegantly and professionally. The duo stepped towards the corridor slowly. James heard footsteps and pulled Apple behind a wall. He glanced over his shoulder and saw two guards patrolling. He placed one finger on his lips and showed to Apple who replied with a nod. The two guards shone their torchlights at their direction but did not spot them and continued walking. The duo heaved a sigh of relief.

"Here, follow me."

James took the lead and walked towards the nearest stairs. Apple followed behind him while tugging onto his shirt. James gave Apple a gesture to follow him up the stairs and they climbed.

One flight... Two... Three... Ten... Fifteen... Twenty... Twenty-two...

"Hey, how many flights of stairs are we climbing?" Apple whispered through gasps.

James whispered back with no signs of being tired at all, "We're here."

Apple looked up at the sign and it wrote: Nano-hall. Apple glanced at James whose eyes sparkled and she took a small glance at the hall. Apple stifled a scream. The hall was beautiful. No, gorgeous. No, beyond comparison to any other places. The hall was slightly smaller than the marina bay sands show hall. This hall was decorated with little carvings of words from different languages. Starting with words that starts with the alphabet "A". James smiled at Apple and pointed to the lights. Apple now realized that the lights are glowing of different colours. The colours was those of the rainbow and it changes like those disco balls only the colours in this hall are more gentle and kind to the eyes. Apple shuffled her feet and realized the floor was carpeted with a red carpet with gold words on it. With a closer look, those gold words are words from a dictionary with different languages too. Must be the same with those on the walls, Apple thought.

James laid down flat on his back on the carpet, "Cool isn't it?" He turned his head to look at Apple. Apple nodded her head, still lost for words. Just then, they heard footsteps behind them.


Now preparing for POP :)
Actually I'm kinda disappointed in my bun :/ as in hair - bun. Abit popping out siol.


I'm gonna express how much I love beyond in my valedictorial speech :)

And I'm ending off w ... A quote by a girl(?) with a name ... Something Harr Karr.

"The world would be so lonely, in sunny hours or gray. Without the gift of a friend, to help us everyday."

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