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pressure + no slack day. Saturday 10 March 2012
I'm trying my best to blog more frequently to make up for these days where i hadn't blogged.
I'll try to put in a story tomorrow (next time i blog) hopefully :D

Pressure = =
I've never said i wanted the post.
I've never said it.
Never ever did.
So how much i wish you could just cut me off?
I'll be so happy, i can fly to the SKY~
kidding about the sky part.

Finished two-tenth of holiday homeworks ~
shall work on three - tenth tomorrow . AT LEAST ALL CHINESE MUST BE FINISHED.
and chem
and bio
even maths.
It's mr P.'s fault for not uploading the A-maths homework :P

Have to go to school for the science symposium thing on monday, on slack day...
gone = =
The only slack day - gone .

I shall do up my idea using illustrator (IF I CAN) after and blog and update it w the poster later then :D

http://b1a4.com/teaser_1st_formal/img/b1a4_3.swf (b1a4 teaser vid. you will definitely have the same reaction as me !)

draft 1 of the poster. unconfirmed