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HOROSCOPE CRAZE Sunday 12 August 2012
My horoscope OO

Mercury in the Eleventh House  11th hs
You enjoy being around friends who are clever and interesting. You like people with whom you can test your mind, perhaps with word games, puzzles and games of strategy. You also like to talk and share ideas with your friends. In fact, you think most clearly when you can try out your ideas first on your friends.
When you are older, you will be at your best doing mental work with a group of people. It isn't that you are unoriginal, but you are a team person.
You are just as concerned with what is good for the group as with what is good for you. You may join clubs with people who are interested in the same things you are.
You like to get around in the area where you live, and you try to be on friendly terms with everyone in your neighborhood. As a result you will probably become well known to most everyone in your area.
Moon in the Seventh House  7th hs
You choose personal friends by your emotional reactions to them. Unless people appeal strongly to your emotions and offer emotional support and security, you are not attracted to them.
You attract people whose emotions are strong and close to the surface because you like to be aware of your friends. The reason you attract such people is that they help you understand your own feelings.
It is likely that you will marry or form a close partnership early in your life. You need the security and emotional closeness of such a relationship.
Saturn in the Sixth House  6th hs
For a person of your age, you have a very serious attitude toward work and responsibility. Also you may have more responsibilities than other young people, which may cause you to lose out on some of the fun of being young. But you should learn to accept your lot, because the discipline you learn now will help you out later in life and may bring you considerable success.
If you do nothing but complain and resent your situation, you will develop such a negative attitude that you will have difficulty with jobs all your life.
But if you can accept this placement of Saturn as a positive lesson to be learned, you will eventually get great satisfaction from your work, which you will do very carefully. You will gain recognition for the thoroughness and quality of your work. You will have to work hard to get what you want, but you will get it, along with the satisfaction of knowing that your success is the result of your efforts rather than luck.
Jupiter in the Fourth House  4th hs
Your childhood environment and home should be very positive, since this placement indicates that you will receive a great deal of emotional support from your parents and family. In general your early life should provide a solid basis for your adult existence, giving you a great deal of self-confidence and assurance.
Probably, even if your family is not well-to-do, your home is comfortable and pleasant, which will give you a lifelong taste for comfortable and elegant surroundings. You may always choose to live in a dwelling that is much larger than you really need, but if so you will share it with others, because this placement usually indicates that you like to extend hospitality to others.
One possible drawback to this position, but not a serious one, is that you may become very fond of collecting things, and as a result you may live in a clutter that is almost impossible to organize.
Uranus in the Fourth House  4th hs
Your early life may be quite inconsistent and unpredictable, or sudden changes may have occurred that prevent you from having a normal home life. If your parents are very supportive of you, this should not be a problem. The result will be that you may grow up with a sense of not belonging anywhere or to anyone in particular, but not being very upset with it. At best, this is a sign of a free spirit who can be at home anywhere.
But this placement can also indicate insecurity because of the sudden disruptions in your personal life. You may move often and without warning during childhood, or major changes may take place in the family, which are unsettling.
Neptune in the Third House  3rd hs
You have an excellent imagination, which you will be able to use creatively in writing, speaking, possibly acting and even in learning about the world. Do not believe what others tell you until you see it with your own eyes.
Some people with this placement are afraid to talk to others directly for fear that they will be misunderstood or thought badly of. But it is actually this fear that causes the problem. If you learn to talk directly to people without fear, you will discover that you can easily make them understand you.
Venus in the Twelfth House  12th hs
You are likely to be rather shy and reserved about showing your loving feelings. It is not that you are unaffectionate, for you can be quite friendly and loving to others if you trust them. But shyness can keep you from having many rewarding relationships, because you won't be able to get to know others who are shy like yourself. And they may be the only people who can really understand your sensitivity. Try to be a little more outgoing, so that you can start friendships with people you are attracted to.
On the plus side, this placement means that you can be very giving toward the people you love. At times you may even give in when you should stand up for your own beliefs, in order to maintain the friendship.
Venus in the Twelfth House  12th hs
You are likely to be rather shy and reserved about showing your loving feelings. It is not that you are unaffectionate, for you can be quite friendly and loving to others if you trust them. But shyness can keep you from having many rewarding relationships, because you won't be able to get to know others who are shy like yourself. And they may be the only people who can really understand your sensitivity. Try to be a little more outgoing, so that you can start friendships with people you are attracted to.
On the plus side, this placement means that you can be very giving toward the people you love. At times you may even give in when you should stand up for your own beliefs, in order to maintain the friendship.
Mars in the Twelfth House  12th hs
You may often be afraid to assert yourself because you feel defeated, and you are sure that any effort is futile. Your attitude may have resulted from being with people who haven't encouraged you very much. You must build up your self-confidence and disregard anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself. You tend to work in secret and to act behind people's backs, which you should try to avoid.
However, you are really quite a strong individual, and once you overcome your childish fears about yourself, you can be very effective.
Another positive point is that you work very well alone. All you need is for people not to discourage you.
Sun in the Tenth House  10th hs
You are a person who wants to make great achievements in the world and to be in control of your own destiny. You find it difficult to follow someone else's orders unless you really respect that person. If you apply yourself to your work, you will accomplish a great deal.
However, while you are young, these traits will make it difficult for you to accept other people's authority.
Your relationship with your father is very important. You will be greatly influenced by his ways, although you will occasionally disagree with him and try to rebel.
You want to know what the world is about, what is important in the public eye and what is generally considered significant. Among people of your own age, you will try to be a leader, and your peers will look up to you.
Pluto in the First House  1st hs
You are a very intense person who takes almost everything seriously. You tend to go to extremes, which may make other people uneasy.
You enjoy having power over people and being in a position to make changes. It is extremely important that you develop a strong sense of responsibility about using power, because you will probably always use it to some extent, and if you are not careful you can create problems in your life and the lives of those around you.
Other people will either be drawn to you very strongly or will not like you at all.

Jupiter in Aquarius  
This is an indication that you will grow through being free to find new ways of living and new methods for accomplishing old purposes. There is a side of you that is quite inventive, which can really benefit from looking at life from a new angle.
However, although you are in many ways an individualist, you do not think just of yourself. You understand that your friends have needs, and you look for ways in which you and your friends can benefit together.
You are usually very fair and your sense of justice is strong. You have no special awe of authority figures; in fact, you ignore the traditional notion that anyone in authority should be respected. These people must prove their worth as far as you're concerned.
As you get older, your social consciousness will evolve further, and you may become involved in some mass movement to spread the ideals you believe in. You know how to make sure that every part of a group is effectively contributing to the whole
Uranus in Aquarius  
Uranus is in its own sign here, which means that these children are very good at initiating constructive changes and making sure that they are for the good of society. However, like other humanitarian types, they may have problems in individual relationships, because they do not consider individuals to be as significant as society and can't understand the demands of one-to-one relationships. They are reformers, but they need to learn about the importance of individual human emotions and needs.
Neptune in Capricorn  
This generation should represent quite a reaction against the previous one. These children will probably idealize work, thrift, practical considerations and duty rather than the more abstract, spiritual ideals of the generation before them. However, their idealization of such practical virtues does not mean that they will be very effective in dealing with them. In fact these principles may deteriorate considerably, simply because this generation does not deal with them in their daily lives but only in their minds and dreams.
Pluto in Sagittarius  
This placement lasted from 1995 to 2008. During this time many more of society's cherished beliefs have been destroyed, and new religious, spiritual and cultural values took their place. Few of us would have been able to deal with these changes comfortably, and the children of this time will probably be quite iconoclastic.
Scorpio Rising  
You are rather quiet and reserved, but others see clearly that you have deep emotions and feelings, even though you may not say very much. But you do find it difficult to make yourself understood to people.
You are quite stubborn, and if necessary you will fight very hard for your position against anyone who opposes you. Your anger is not easily aroused, but when it is, it can't be calmed down easily.
You like to experience life with your total being. Thus you may display a kind of courage that others find frightening, although you are not usually reckless.
In addition, you are quite sensitive to other people's feelings. You are somewhat easily hurt, but instead of pulling back, you often strike out with a cutting remark or biting sarcasm. Anyone who watches you at all carefully will see your anger.
Venus in Libra  
You are a friendly, outgoing person who likes to have fun with others. You don't like to be alone, because you feel lonely very easily. Fortunately, people usually like you, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding company. In your efforts to get someone to like you, you should be yourself, not what you think the other person is looking for.
You like beautiful, graceful objects and fine clothing.
You may not enjoy doing hard work. But you will have to overcome this as you grow older, because everyone has to meet life's demands. You may try to get others to do your dirty work for you, but this would be a poor use of this energy. Instead, use your talent to make life beautiful for yourself and the
Sun in Virgo  
You are very careful in everything you do, and you put a high value on neatness. You expect others to live up to those same high standards, and you are easily disappointed if they do not. When you see something wrong in someone or something, you don't hesitate to point it out. But you will have to learn to be considerate when you do this, because criticizing others creates bad feelings.
You are very interested in learning as much as possible about the world. In whatever you make or do, you apply the same standards of perfection that you want other people to live up to.
You like to help others because being useful makes you feel good. You are able to put off what you want for yourself in order to help someone you love do what he or she wants. Others will respect you for this.
Mercury in Virgo  
You have a good, thorough mind, and you pay attention to details, so you can learn about subjects that require careful thinking and learning complicated techniques. The more intricate the techniques, the better you like them. Also you are likely to be good with your hands, because you work very carefully to reach a high standard of craftsmanship.
If you cannot do something well, you are not likely to do it at all. Whatever you learn, you want to put to practical use, for you feel that everything you do should serve as a useful tool to get a job done.
You have a very critical view of the world, but you must be careful to criticize others and yourself in a helpful manner, not merely to tear them and yourself down. people around you.
Moon in Gemini  
Your emotions change very rapidly, and you are quite restless. You get bored rather quickly, and your attention tends to wander if you have to keep it fixed on one object too long. But you are very curious and eager to try out every new experience.
You enjoy traveling as a chance to have new experiences. And you feel the same way about new ideas, wanting to learn everything there is to learn.
One very good feature of this Moon position is that you will probably learn to let your intellect control your emotions. In situations where others act wildly and emotionally, you can keep your cool and see what is really happening.