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Awaiting 25/12/2012 Saturday 22 December 2012
This proved that all the stupid predictions are wrong :)
Heya, i'm still alive like A-YO~!

Finally used the new pencil box given by dahdarlinqqqs~
Got a new wallet which i hinted YenHui to get me for birthday :p


There was chalet like two days ago, and that was fun :>
Especially the night. It was fun except that i got Bicken >(
In the end, Grade8 offered to take it and still took it even when I said I'll take home. (THATS RUDE!) Then she passed it over to a junior =,=
Played with this cat which was pervetic and kept coming back to the chalet. lolol


  I am currently reading these three books. Inspirational books :)


 I went to Vivo and bought these two cute katkats :) Aren't they just cuteeeeee~ :D


The website below is awesomeeeee~


They make awesome icons and banners :)


Gonna be on hiatus for the next few weeks or so, will be busy-ing for the new year :3

So happy on 25/12/2012, simply love you <3