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Blogging to skip Chinese :p Sunday 6 January 2013
I'm pretty lazy to do homework so I shall blog a little before doing Chinese :)

So many people's birthday soooooon. Having headache of what to buy for them. O Level questions gonna be given like tomorrow in Art. So.. Like gonna blog even less than this -sighs-

There's this epic incident where Bel and SQ were quarreling about ponies. (Yup, ponies.) Bel's pony is Fluttershy and SQ's pony is ... (DRUMROLL PLEASE~!) Ponyta! Bel started to talk about her "My Little Pony" stories and well, I was spammed by M.L.Y's pictures. Oh gosh. Well, they started to discuss about Pokémon too, where SQ got real excited.

It's going to be real hectic in the the days to come.

It sucks to be a sec4 in this era :I

The cat and dog on the purple card is drawn by YOURS TRULY.
I was craving to try the Royce's fruit bar chocolate (strawberry flavor!) and Briannieee gave me the next day (purely coincidental). Super happy ;3

Look at the pun, kehehe. #biology