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Inspired? A brand new start. Saturday 16 March 2013
Hey guys, it's not Sunday and I'm back with a new post! Glad? :)
Darren told me to blog about him and okay, Darren Wong Liang Jun,
this is for you!-end-

Motivational Camp started two days ago and ended yesterday at exactly 2130.
I will definitely not be shocked if more people are motivated now. I heard a lot of those crazy, howling sounds of wolves yesterday in the Auditorium and I was thinking of many things. 

I'd admit, I teared but then again, no one would understand why I did so, let's leave it at that. (except darling and bel, perhaps)  

Yenhui actually went up and asked Melvin Chew (the awesome, humorous trainer) how did he made people cry and he said this, "Just be yourself. Think how would others make you yourself cry and then, say the same things to them."

And guess what, I think truly think about through crying, many people will get it that have to self-reflect.

This will be a great website for you if you're believe in God:

Well, since you're at my blog, I shall do some self-relfection to you guys.

Perhaps, some people might think that they have already been self-relfecting.
Perhaps, some people might think they are always so motivated to do a lot of things.
Perhaps, you are like that.
Perhaps, you would like to be like that.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Perhaps, after the two weeks probation period, those people who said if they were to sleep in class, they would be slapped.
Perhaps, the children will start to think their parents are naggy again.
Perhaps, you are one of those people who broke your own promise.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Perhaps, once again, you do not have the drive to move on.
Perhaps, you think that life is useless.
Perhaps, you think that you are of no use compared to your siblings.
Perhaps, you are indeed, useless.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

But who shall define all those?
But who shall be the victim of all those?
Who is going to be the victor of this war named "O"-levels?
Who? Who? Who?

Let me tell you,



Then, this made you to think about a lot of things again.
You start thinking if you would one of those people.
You start thinking that you will not be one of those people.
You start knowing that this is not the end.
You start knowing you don't want to be those people.
But could you predict the future?

Then now, how do you prevent all these?
I can't tell you that.
Because, for a simple thing.
I am not you.

Yes, your parents might not be there yesterday.
Yes, you yourself might not be there yesterday.

So how do you motivate yourself?



Search for your life's goal.

I want to be someone that can affect somebody's life for the better.

I want to be someone that can change somebody's life.

And that is why, I want to be a doctor. I want to be an architect/ interior design.

How about you?

Sometimes, you think, I can't do this. Not this, not that.
Hey, have you read this book?
Magic, Power or whatsoever. Read it.
Negative thoughts attract negative things.
If you say you can't do it, you definitely can't do it. You would "attract" negative actions from those "negative" thoughts of yours!

Let me suggest, do some soul-searching. When you are bathing. Right before you sleep. Think what have done wrong that day. Done right that day. And everything else. Think what you want to do tomorrow, so to have a motivation to get up from bed.

Nobody can force you to live your life. Nobody can force you get a life.

Only you can.

Humans have the ability to change their own future, if you were to let other lead you by your nose, the one in wrong is not that person, but yourself.

It's not whether you can do it or not, but whether you want to do it or not.
Feeling inspired? 

Tilt-shift photography

What's that? I didn't know as well. Until, Mr Leong showed this over to Jiamin.
Oh gosh, plain. Cool.
These are REAL places. OMG.
Okay, maybe they used photoshop but there is this special lens that enables them to take such pictures. It's really cool but tedious.
I couldn't try this out myself with the lens. (No money)

All I can do is to show you guys some videos and some research :)

Oh wait, I just did one photo using photoshop :)
It might look slightly blur, sorryyyyy :(

This guy is the aweomse guy, woah! : http://vimeo.com/keithloutit

The City of Samba from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo.

Song Appreciation



Ni li kai de na yi tian
On the day you left,
Tian kong you dian hui
the sky is a bit cloudy.
Jian bu  zhao ni zui ai de lan tian
Your favorite blue sky cannot be seen.
Shao le yi ge ren dou zui
There is one less people to quarrel with,
Duo xie peng you an wei
but more comforting words from friends
Yi qie dou bu shi cuo jue
It is not an illusion.

Lai bu ji dao sheng gan xie
Hadn't got to thank you,
Gu shi yi jie wei
the story already comes to the end.
Tai duo shi qing lai bu ji hou hui
There are too many things that are to late to feel regret.
Wi hai you tai dui xin yuan
I still have many wishes,
Tai duo meng mei you shi xian
and dreams that are unfulfilled
Zuo shang hai lu zhu guo qu de zhao pian
There are still photos of the past on the table.

Wo yi ge ren shi mian
I am suffering isomnia alone.
Yi ge ren de kong jian
The spaces for myself,
Yi ge ren de xiang nian
Missing someone on my own.
Liang ge ren de hua mian
The images of two.
Shi shui de yan lei
Whose tears is it?
Shi shui de qiao cui
Whose paleness is it?
Sa man di de xin sui
The broken heart is scattered all over the ground.
Wo yi ge de mao xian
I took the risk alone.
Yi ge ren de zuo wei
The seat for one,
Yi ge ren xiang zhe yi ge ren
Thinking of someone alone.
Yan jiao de lei bu shi cuo jue
Those are tears at the corner of my eye, not an illusion.

Lai bu ji dao sheng gan xie
Hadn't got to thank you,
Gu shi yi jie wei
the story already comes to the end.
Tai duo shi qing lai bu ji hou hui
There are too many things that are to late to feel regret.
Wi hai you tai dui xin yuan
I still have many wishes,
Tai duo meng mei you shi xian
and dreams that are unfulfilled
Zuo shang hai lu zhu guo qu de zhao pian
There are still photos of the past on the table.

Wo yi ge ren shi mian
I am suffering isomnia alone.
Yi ge ren de kong jian
The spaces for myself,
Yi ge ren de xiang nian
Missing someone on my own.
Liang ge ren de hua mian
The images of two.
Shi shui de yan lei
Whose tears is it?
Shi shui de qiao cui
Whose paleness is it?
Sa man di de xin sui
The broken heart is scattered all over the ground.
Wo yi ge de mao xian
I took the risk alone.
Yi ge ren de zuo wei
The seat for one,
Yi ge ren xiang zhe yi ge ren
Thinking of someone alone.
Yan jiao de lei bu shi cuo jue
Those are tears at the corner of my eye, not an illusion.

那些年 那几天那一夜
Na xie nian, na ji tian, na yi ye
Those years, those days and that night,
Dou huang ru zuo tian
are like yesterday.
这些年 这几天这一夜 你让我失眠
Zhe xie nian, zhe ji tian, zhe yi ye ni rang wo shi mian
These years, these days, this night, i suffer from isomnia because of you

Wo yi ge ren shi mian
I am suffering isomnia alone.
Yi ge ren de kong jian
The spaces for myself,
Yi ge ren de xiang nian
Missing someone on my own.
Liang ge ren de hua mian
The images of two.
Shi shui de yan lei
Whose tears is it?
Shi shui de qiao cui
Whose paleness is it?
Sa man di de xin sui
The broken heart is scattered all over the ground.
Wo yi ge de mao xian
I took the risk alone.
Yi ge ren de zuo wei
The seat for one,
Yi ge ren xiang zhe yi ge ren
Thinking of someone alone.
Yan jiao de lei bu shi cuo jue
Those are tears at the corner of my eye, not an illusion.

It simply meant someone thinking and reminiscing of the loved one that is gone. 
Such a nice and pretty song. Soothing to ears.
However, if you are a fan of KO One 2, oh my gosh, it'll bring you tears. It reminded me of the sad ending (for once, in the series) that King (Pets Ceng) and Wan Jun (Sam Lin) died together in the past. -sighs-
They met each other again too. 
I'm watching Athena now. It'll be super enjoyable except the fact that I'm having a fever and my cousin have been treating me like a maid the whole day. This sucks, and she just scolded me again. -sighs-
Oh well, hope you had a nice day and tomorrow, 
it's a brand new day!

 PS:// I <3 You, My Darling