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After Hiatus Friday 26 December 2014
the new blog's joliestan.blogspot.com

This blog is kept due to memories.
Thursday 27 March 2014
Hello! I'm back with -hopefully- a long post now.

It has been so long since i last posted, and i'm sorry for those who actually checks my blog with nothing updated (the horror).

I am currently in VJC *screams for dream school* and in 14A15.
Honestly, i'm not regretting i got into Art Stream. I am just finding a reason to love Literature. (I have this PC to do for lecture tomorrow but... OK , I will do it - later.)

PW is a burden. When people say that, i will raise both legs (K.O.3 an Guo style) and agree. But, you have to find a topic you truly believe in in order to do well. Believe me, I finally found the topic for me and i still think i should become a psychiatrist 'cause i'm interested in these type of stuff.

OTC CAMP was not that tough but definitely physically tiring. 1000+ Buddha claps and 200+ Sit-ups are not really hard but still, muscles do ache. Not to mention, carrying the stretcher and running over at least 500 meters (for me). I'm small and petite so not being able to run with stretcher is excusable. For a guy, nope it isn't.

Sleeping 8 hours for a 4 days 3 night camp is honestly a luxury. 5.5 hours for 4 days during camp period was still the record.

Campfire was definitely memorable. JULIET WAS AWESOMEEEEE. ;)


This really bad ren
der is my March Hols art homework.
"Hold something important to you"
I saw many who held rings, paintbrush, books, rock tiles and all today while we doing the critic. Awesome artworks and art people, by the way. However, i thought that realistically, money is important to me. I need money to books. I need money to buy the things i want and need.
(Although, i would painfully say that it was inspired by Dion)

(1) Batman Typography: I'll show a draft *winkz*
(2) PI: It'll be something i'm interested in so....
(3) Finish my fan fictions: Magic and Flames, Alex's (whatever 'cause name ain't thought of yet)

 I'm going off! :)

What? Thursday 22 August 2013
Sometimes in your life, it really makes you wonder whether you are good enough for anyone else. There are insecurities; There will be promises.

Yet you always ask yourself: Are they doing this for a motive? For a purpose? Or simply because they are kind and wanted all that you wanted?

Are you the bad guy then? Perhaps not. Life is but a struggle, bitter and hard. Suspicions raised, inevitably. Motives live, rather timidly.

In the society now, you always always ask, "Are they true?" But, being too trusting was another problem for another time.

People would not know what you think, if you do not say. Do not expect people to know. Do not think that you are always right even though your words might have said differently. It's human nature to lie and not be true to yourself. After all, we perceive only 30% of what we see and 70% of what we think we see.

Never refer a true friend's intention as "something that they wanted to put me down with". The method they said it might not be what you have liked but they know exactly what will hurt you and what will be the key things that will make you listen as well. Thinking that "i already their advice from the start, useless talk" but truly was it useless?

Never think that someone treats you like a second choice. Perhaps i can say that for certain matters, like BT would be my first choice for some things but for some, others are the first choice. Thinking and wanting to be the first choice always, just because you are good friend or so, a true friend, is simply just despicable and wrong. You might have great advice on things, therefore, you are the first choice. Yet, for some, you are nothing and worth nothing but just a listener, so why should others tell you first? After all, crudely, you are useless in the matter. If people chose to actually tell you about it, be grateful because you are nothing but a listener.

Always being there is not just asking " are you alright?" on twitter or "hey, you ok?" face to face. Vis-a-vis, those that are not always there. Always there might be knowing youre down and says a joke to cheer up your day. Always there means switching on the phone for you through the night just for that one emergency call. Always there meant sharing your emotions and understands you so well that they wards off all others that means harm for you.

Just Ranting.


One nose unblocked, other nose blocked. What is this life, people?

Dedication to Dion

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"

"What kind of murderer has moral fiber?" — "A cereal killer."

I needed a password eight characters long so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

For Bel:

To Brax:

To BT:

Amazing much? Saturday 1 June 2013

How amazing.

The amazing-ness of life where self-centered, egoistic people, simply just have a single thought in their mind ,"I am the greatest."
The amazing-ness of life where people can just simply get sit half-naked on a shared bed, making such a big fuss right now.
The amazing-ness of life where people simply won't shut up.

I guess we have seen these type of people around in our daily lives pretty much. Perhaps we are them at some point of time, even.
The first type of people: Egoistic, self-centered
The second type of people: Annoying, noisy
The third type of people: Talkative, Attention-seeking

Well, I have been one type of them at some point of time. But right now, i believe i am in the last few sets of people.

4th: Soft-spoken but knows everything. Usually can be out-spoken and confindent when needed
5th: Blur Sotong, knows nothing, dense
6th: Blends into the background

Well, this is going to be where I stop this post. Think about which type of person are you. Then, reflect.

The world needs reflecting. If this world has a mirror, it will be totally black with a small hint of a spark at the corner.

Finally posted something on Fanfiction.net. Pretty happy with the statistics now, really! 277 views and 3 reviews, 5 favourites in 1 and a half month!

And guess what! Sushi, sushi, sushi!!

Getting to Sushi buffet on Monday with the sushi buddies, Yenhui, Guyan and Briannieeeeee <3
OMG, but it's S$24.++ D; Savings are gone ><
But, i guess it is pretty much worth it! ^^

All my friends are going GOOGA over the Chinese "O"s which is before our sushi buffet 
Feel pretty guilty that I am not studying for anything while they mug over chinese day and night and here comes my question, why?
There's nothing to memorise except for format and methods to answering which can be done in a day, perhaps?

To all people taking Chinese "O"s out there, relax guys ^^ The more tensed you are, the worse you will fare. (Damn, I only scored an A2)

In any case, JIAYOU. ;)

Contemplating whether or not should I sell those items on Carousell or Instagram ;( Any ideas? 
The hell thing I hate is that I can't do bank transfer ._. But, it's pretty good as well because I can't splurge, HAHAHAHA

Artist Feature

And today, it's not other than JOE BROOKS!

Wikipedia : Joe Brooks (born 18 May 1987) is a British singer. Brooks started out as a Myspace musician when he was 17 and gained popularity on the site while releasing two independent EPs. By 2008 he was hyped and labeled as the "Number 1 Unsigned UK Artist" on MySpace and had amassed 11 million song plays.[1] In 2009 he signed to Jason Flom's Lava Records and Universal Republic Records, where he released his first full-length and major label album, Constellation Me, in 2010.[2] Following his exit from Lava/Universal in 2011, he released a fan-funded independent EP, A Reason To Swim, later that year.

ME: He is handsome, cute and absolutely  enchanting, amazing and just simply awesome. Being a singaporean, with absolutely zero accent, I really find his accent like music to my ears.His songs, are famous for his acoustic songs and charming vocals. To me, he is my idol and i even went crazy over Guyan for having one of his shirts. I still remember the whole day, I was just staring at his chest because Joe Brooks was on it. (Okay, I sound really pervert here.) And, you get me right?

'Six String Soldier' by Joe Brooks

From the new record 'The Boy & The Broken Machine' comes Joe Brooks' latest toe tapping, head bopping, hip shifting toon... 'Six String Soldier' ;)

 Now, I am just waiting for the new album ^^

To you: Relax, dear. Chill a little, okay? I love you much, love you <3
Goodbyes Saturday 13 April 2013
When people bade goodbye, how do you feel?
Sad? Happy? Excited? Remorseful? Regrettable?
It is finally the time for us to step down.
I didn't know what i should be feeling.
I did not cry, however, my junior did so.
I wondered why.


HDR Photography

You’ve probably heard of High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography, it’s made quite an entrance into the world of digital photography.
If you haven’t, the HDR process is accomplished by taking multiple exposures of a high contrast scene (usually a landscape or cityscape), at different levels of brightness, and then combining the best light from each exposure into one image.
The end result is a stunning image that very closely resembles how the human eye views a scene. This process of digital manipulation has caused a bit of controversy and debate in the world of photography, especially with images that are “over-cooked.” One thing is for sure though, HDR is here to stay. When done right, this unique and in depth processing technique can produce beautiful works of art that mimic the way we view and remember a landscape or scene.
The above image is an example of what HDR processing can produce. This image, taken from the Big Island of Hawaii, would not be possible without HDR processing. It was taken around noon, the harshest light of the day.

Read more: http://digital-photography-school.com/setting-up-your-digital-camera-for-hdr-shooting#ixzz2QPA8aQgO

I did some with my phone ^^

 Original (up)
HDR (right)

Original (Left)
HDR (down)

And... That's all for today! ^^
Sunday 31 March 2013
Deep feelings that hurt.

It was the first thing that came up on youtube.
Fairy Tail ^^
No mood Saturday 23 March 2013
This week is the March Holidays.
Oh, just to mention, I wasted the whole week away :<

Sometimes, you just wonder if you're that insignificant for people to notice..

-,- My mood for blogging is all gone.


Kids ask for light in 'best ever' anti-smoking ad

Like what the title says, best anti-smoking advertisement ever.

<3 you.